About: admin


Recent Posts by admin

Young people on treadmill running exercise

Is it time for you to upgrade your workout clothes? … If you are like most people, when you go to the gym you plan on working up a good sweat. Therefore, it doesn’t make much sense spending too much time on your hair or makeup. However, the gym is still a social environment so Continue Reading

Antimicrobial Tech Shirt - Earth Day

Singlo Sport Recognizes Earth Day 2012

Earth Day has motivated people and organizations around the globe to demonstrate their commitment to the environment. Originally established in 1970, Earth Day is now a world recognized event. While earth day is a great way to remember that our earth needs to be protected, the important thing is not to forget about the environment Continue Reading

Spring Heat

A new survey just came out that says sweat and body odor is a top of mind concern for women when temperatures begin to increase in the spring. A new “State of Sweat” study by Degree Women® shows that although women spend more than half of a working day being active, almost 50% have actually Continue Reading

Organic Cotton

Singlo Sport carefully chose to use a blend of bamboo and organic cotton as the materials for its antimicrobial tech tee. Here are a few interesting facts about organic cotton: Less Environmental Stress: Organic cotton is produced from cotton that is generally rain-fed, using less water than regular cotton and no pesticides. This means less Continue Reading


This week Singlo Sport was featured on undershirtguy.com.When I spoke to the website’s founder, Tug, I was asked some really good questions about Singlo Sport shirts that I thought would be worthy of sharing on our website also.  OK here it goes … Tug: Based on the information I have read on your website, it Continue Reading