Category Archives: Blog

Antimicrobial Shirt Sweat Yoga

Antimicrobial shirts from Singlo Sport have more use cases than you might think. Here’s 10 reasons to rethink your traditional sportswear 1) Yoga Anyone? – No matter how much you sweat, feel confident in every posture with the Singlo Tech T. It might just save the day your classmates too. 2) Lazy on Laundry? – Continue Reading

Sportswear is becoming increasingly advanced, so I wanted to take a moment to explain the different types of technology options available. First, let’s talk fabrics – There are lots of types to choose from … Polyester: Polyester is probably the most common used fabric in sportswear today. It’s light and easily wicks sweat away from Continue Reading

Antimicrobial Running

Top 3 Benefits of Antimicrobial Clothing

Antimicrobial clothing eliminates the growth of odor-causing bacteria  and is becoming increasingly popular among athletes. Here are the top three reasons why you should consider antimicrobial clothing the next time you are looking for new sports gear. 1)  Keeps You Protected From Harmful Bacteria – Bacteria that builds up on clothing can be harmful and dangerous. Staph Continue Reading

Antimicrobial Clothing

We all know it’s important to hit the gym at least couple of times a week. Yet, what many gym goers do not pay enough attention to is personal hygiene. Gyms offer the ideal breeding ground for germs and bacteria, and our sweaty body can act as the perfect carrier to spread them around. Have Continue Reading

Antimicrobial Shirt Organic Protection

Antimicrobial Protection against bacteria and odor can come from different approaches. At Singlo Sport, we prefer the natural approach to antimicrobial protection… In order to understand a little more about the different types of antimicrobial technologies out there, here are a few of the common technologies defined: Organic Antimicrobials: Are carbon based that can be Continue Reading

Singlo Sport - Antimicrobial Protection

Antimicrobial Shirt Protection: Bacteria 101

Did you know that when you exercise your sweat does not smell at all?!? However, your sweat does quickly serve as the perfect place for bacteria to breed and grow at a rapid rate. These bacteria break down sweat to produce fatty acids which give off that ‘rotten egg’ smell that everyone around you quickly Continue Reading

Antimicrobial Singlo T Shirt

Many of you might be wondering as to why Singlo zeroed in on bamboo, as the material to use for manufacturing the Singlo T. Let us try and put your curiosity to rest. Here are some facts about this amazing material, which helped us in choosing bamboo over other materials… #1: Beyond Comfortable! – It Continue Reading